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  But true religion

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Join date : 06.05.11

	But true religion Empty
PostTēma: But true religion   	But true religion Icon_minitimePiektdiena Maijs 06, 2011 9:59 pm

But true religionBut true religion is MBT Shoes pure and simple, MBT Shoes Sale and never confined by forms. In the exercises thereof, the soul is free, being exalted to its original station in the composition of man. In the progress thereof, the mind, like "the just man's path," is enlightened from one degree of spiritual perception to another, till the clearness of the gospelday appear, and the shadows flee away. In the power thereof, all the propensities of the animal, and faculties of the rational nature, are held in subjection, and the body of sin and death, buried. In the enjoyments thereof, the internal communion of the Spirit of Christ, transcends and supersedes every inferior and external object. In the works thereof, the divine harmony is livingly witnessed, the spring of every action being love.Of the serpent, called the devil, satan, fyc.There has seldom been an opinion propagated by superstition, or maintained by prejudice, more perniwho, overcome by temptations, gratify their sensual appetites and propensities in the lusts of the flesh, represented by the beasts of the field.ctoas to man, than the notion of a selfexisting being, denominated the devil, satan, &c. A belief in such a being, and in the powers generally attributed to him, has, in a great measure, frustrated the end intended by the divine cautions and threatenings recorded in holy writ against the teinpers and. dispositions pointed out by these appellations. For many, while supposing themselves to be watching against the wiles and MBT stratagems of an imaginary evil being without thefo, MBT Trainers to whom such vast powers have been attributed, have suffered the spiritual, immortal soul to be led and directed by the powers of the natural understanding. And being confident that the suggestions of the supposed selfexisting devil have not governed their determinations, they have fixed themselves in the very state and condition they were warned to avoid.It would appear, indeed, to be a monstrous absurdity, to suppose that the Almighty would create a being of such description, and furnish him with such vastly extensile powers and capacity as have long been ascribed to himcombining in his imaginary character, if not powers nearly allied to omnipotence, at least to omniscience and omnipresence.

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